Confidence in US elections split along party lines - poll
The majority of voters (57%) want the Trump campaign to stop efforts to challenge election results, but the vast majority (85%) of Trump supporters wants these efforts to continue.
By JERUSALEM POST STAFFA TRUMP SUPPORTER holds a placard while ballots are being tabulated in Philadelphia, last Sunday. (photo credit: MARK MAKELA / REUTERS)
American views of the voting process are intensely divided between supporters of US President Donald Trump and President-elect Joe Biden, according to a Pew poll conducted more than two weeks after the US presidential elections.The poll found that 59% of voters said that elections were "run and administered well," but that only 21% of Trump supporters have a positive view of how the elections were run. In stark contrast, 94% of Biden supporters responded that the elections were administered well.The majority of Americans said that they were confident that votes were counted correctly, but significantly more (82%) were confident about the counting of in-person votes than were confident in mail-in ballots (59%).The majority of voters (57%) want the Trump campaign to stop efforts to challenge election results, but the vast majority (85%) of Trump supporters wants these efforts to continue. Some 96% of Biden supporters want these efforts to stop.Only 31% of voters said that Trump's conduct has been positive since the election, with 54% rating his post-election conduct as poor.Trump and Biden supporters are also deeply divided on issues relating to the coronavirus pandemic, according to the poll. Another finding was that 16% of Trump supporters support "tighter restrictions on public activity in their communities" and 44% want fewer restrictions, compared to 66% of Biden supporters who support tighter restrictions.In regard to coronavirus aid, 80% of Americans want the president and Congress to pass more aid, with 68% wanting this to be done as soon as possible without waiting for January's presidential inauguration.Biden inspires more confidence in Americans on the topic of the management of the coronavirus pandemic. Some 58% are very or somewhat confident that Biden can handle the public health issues caused by the pandemic while only 39% said the same of Trump.The survey was conducted among 11,818 adults in the US.