Jewish support for Biden higher than for Clinton, Obama - J Street poll

Only 22% of Jewish voters support US President Donald Trump in both states.

US President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden participate in their first 2020 presidential campaign debate held on the campus of the Cleveland Clinic at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, US, September 29, 2020. (photo credit: BRIAN SNYDER/REUTERS)
US President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden participate in their first 2020 presidential campaign debate held on the campus of the Cleveland Clinic at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, US, September 29, 2020.
(photo credit: BRIAN SNYDER/REUTERS)
Jewish support for US presidential candidate Joe Biden in the swing states of Florida and Pennsylvania is higher than it was for Hillary Clinton and former US president Barack Obama, according to a new poll by the progressive Jewish group J Street.
In Florida, 73% of Jewish voters support Biden and in Pennsylvania 75% of Jewish voters support Biden, while only 22% of Jewish voters support US President Donald Trump in both states.
In both states, the coronavirus pandemic is the top issue for Jewish voters, followed by the economy and health care. Israel ranks toward the bottom of Jewish voters' priorities.
Jewish voters in the two states see Biden as the better option for handling the pandemic, combating white nationalism and antisemitism and keeping American Jews safe.
Over 60% of Jewish voters in Florida and Pennsylvania support a two state solution for the Israel-Palestinian conflict, including having Palestinian neighborhoods in Jerusalem become part of a Palestinian state, and allowing most Jewish settlers in the West Bank to be in Israel, while the Palestinians receive comparable land areas in return.
Nearly all Jews in the two states believe people can be both "pro-Israel" and critical of the policy of the Israeli government.
Over 60% Jewish voters in the two states expressed support for re-entering the Iran deal, according to the J Street poll.
Voters in Florida tended to be older than those in Pennsylvania. In Pennsylvania, more of those polled said that they did not identify with any denomination than those in Florida, where 41% identified as part of the Reform movement.
Both states are majority Democrat, with slightly more voters in Pennsylvania identifying as liberal. In Florida, Orthodox voters support Trump more than Biden. In Pennsylvania, Orthodox voters are about equally split between the two voters.
In April, J Street announced their endorsement for Biden. It was the first time that the organization has ever endorsed a candidate.

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Additional polls conducted among US Jews around the USA have found that the majority of US Jews support Biden, including a recent poll commissioned by the American Jewish Committee.
Jeremy Sharon contributed to this report.