Obama, Trump discuss issues at White House meeting

Obama said he will do everything he can to help the Republican succeed when he takes office and urged that the country unite to face its challenges.

Obama and Trump (photo credit: REUTERS)
Obama and Trump
(photo credit: REUTERS)
WASHINGTON - US President Barack Obama and President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday discussed a range of domestic and foreign policy topics at the White House during their first meeting since Trump's stunning election victory
Speaking to reporters in the Oval Office, Obama said he will do everything he can to help the Republican succeed when he takes office on Jan. 20 and urged that the country unite to face its challenges.
Trump mentioned that it was the first time the two had met, though they've had much to say about each other throughout the election cycle. Despite past animosity, including Trump contributing to the "birther" movement which questioned President Obama's place of birth and thus legitimacy in office, the two addressed each other respectfully before the press. "He's a very good man," Trump said.
Trump, elected on Tuesday, said he looked forward to more meetings with Obama and said several matters were discussed, including difficulties.
Jpost.com staff contributed to this report.