Sunday's conference, hosted by regional heavyweight Saudi Arabia since Assad's ouster, comes as Damascus urges the West to lift sanctions to help international funding flow more freely.
The IHRC said it was "morally unacceptable" that Gaza was not considered a "genocide" alongside the Holocaust.
“Our campaign says enough is enough, we need to dismantle this network or centers and make Britain and Europe and Khamenei free zone."
A planned London march by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign is causing tension over its proximity to Shabbat services at a synagogue.
The fundraiser allegedly closed in January 2024, and was said to have raised £2,280 (approximately NIS 10,250).
The attacks were the largest coordinated Israeli-US-British attack on the Houthis since the start of the war.
Footprints include those of the formidable Megalosaurus and the long-necked Cetiosaurus, offering extraordinary insight into Middle Jurassic life.
The dig at Dewars Farm Quarry found five extensive trackways, one of which measured more than 150 meters in length.
"Chamish Hakunach gach!" and "Cheag Sameach" branches of the UK and Irish government wished Jewish communities celebrating Hanukkah.
The Sunday night candle lighting went ahead as planned, according to the Chabad, which it said spread "light, hope, and unity throughout our village."