
New study suggests 17th century Italians were cannabis users

Conducting their study on the crypt of 17th century Milanese hospital Ospedale Maggiore, researchers analyzed femoral bone samples from the remains of the hospital patients.

IDF reserve officers discover an ancient mortar

Lt. Col. (res.) Yair Amitsur, the commander of the civilian frontline in Division 143, and Major. (res.) Eliashiv Buhbut, discovered the tool made of basalt, which weighs more than 10 kg.

New species of dinosaur discovered in Argentina

Named Sidersaura marae, a new species of long-necked herbivorous dinosaur was discovered in the province of Neuquén, Argentina.

Paganism to Christianity: Roman temple reveals ancient cultural blending

The forces that drove Rome to become Christian did not immediately transform the empire into an entity that practiced modern Christianity. It was a process.

How a new genetic tool can help you track ancient relatives

The researchers applied "ancIBD" to ancient genomes from across Eurasia and found hundreds of previously undetected pairs of relatives.

Oldest ceramic rooftiles ever found in the Land of Israel

Ceramic tiles brought here at the time of the Greek Seleucid king Antiochus IV – of the Hanukkah story – have been discovered in the City of David.

Radiocarbon dating proves biblical accounts of the Israeli city of Gezer

New dates provided by Austrian archaeologists allow testing of proposed correlations between texts and archaeological remains

Unexpected origin of Egypt's Great Sphinx discovered

New research reveals that nature played a significant role in the creation of the iconic Great Sphinx.


Ancient humans may have worn sandals up to 150,000 years ago

Given that there are no known remains of such ancient footwear remaining since they were largely biodegradable, the researchers instead turned to Ichnology, the study of fossilized footprints.

The enigmatic 'Ancient Alien Library' concealed beneath the Great Sphinx

Researchers raise questions about the existence of an advanced society or the involvement of extraterrestrials in the creation of this enigmatic library.

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