Simcha Rothman

Why was judicial reform reasonableness bill submitted with another on Knesset table?

Under the new bill, the courts would not be able to use the reasonableness standard on decisions by the prime minister, ministers, and elected officials.  

Breaking the taboo on sexual abuse in all communities - opinion

Shame is a weapon used by abusers and predators across the social and religious spectrum, and we have got to take it away from them.

The speech Simcha Rothman should give, but won’t - opinion

MK Rothman should apologize for his role to feed the ugliness and focus on rebuilding the tissue of mutual trust every healthy democracy needs.


NYC protester files police report against Simcha Rothman for grabbing megaphone

Rothman, a member of the far-right Religious Zionist Party, is a leading target of the protests.


New York protests were an 'attack,' Simcha Rothman and wife say

Protest leader responded saying "No police officer will stop us from exercising our basic freedom of expression."

Simcha Rothman claims NYC protesters were 'violent'

"A small group of violent protesters attacked me and my wife as we waked late at night in New York," Rothman wrote on Sunday.

Simcha Rothman to protesters: You lack intellect so resort to bullying

Israeli MK Simcha Rothman addressed the crowds of protesters both inside and outside of his appearance at Tel Aviv University on Sunday morning.

Rothman blasts Shabtai for blaming journalists for disabling police hacking

In hearings on the NSO scandal report held in the Law Committee, politicians said that between 1080-1800 phones were hacked, and the software enabled access to information beyond simple wiretapping.

Israel's judicial reform talks are 'nearing an explosion,' Simcha Rothman says

No one is wasting time in the reform negotiations, Herzog says • Rothman claims some involved in the negotiations "have an interest in dragging them on"

Are Israel's pro-democracy protests fruitful or futile?

Protests send a strong signal regarding people’s conviction because they require more effort and sacrifice than other means of publicly expressing support for democracy.

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