Major Dvir Zion Revah

IDF announces fallen soldier Dvir Zion Revah, killed in Gaza Strip

Maj. Revah, 28, from Jerusalem, served in the 932nd Battalion in the Nahal Brigade.
 COPIES OF Amnesty International’s report named ‘Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians’ are put on display at a news conference in Jerusalem last year.

Amnesty International suspends Israel branch for rejecting NGO's reports, 'anti-Palestinian racism'

Defense Ministry Director General Maj. Gen. (Res.) Eyal Zamir and Elbit Systems President & CEO Bezhalel (Butzi) Machlis sign two major deals amounting to ove NIS 1 billion, January 7, 2024.

Defense Min. close NIS 1b. deal with Elbit to boost military self-sufficiency

Relations between Turkey and Israel (illustrative)

Israel must prepare for potential war with Turkey, Nagel Committee warns

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