Pro-BDS, anti-Israel Democratic candidate running in district near Tlaib

Solomon Rajput is running in the 12th Congressional District, which borders the 13th Congressional District, served by Dem. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a congresswoman known as an Israel critic.

General Motors World Headquarters in downtown Detroit (photo credit: REUTERS)
General Motors World Headquarters in downtown Detroit
(photo credit: REUTERS)
 A Democrat running for the US House of Representatives in Michigan supports BDS and has stated that he would push a bill to condition American military assistance to Israel, according to JNS.
"The people of Palestine have to live in impoverished conditions where their access to food, water and electricity is limited. Innocent people die regularly because of needless bombings. This is not a matter of religion. This is a matter of human rights," reads Solomon Rajput's campaign website. Rajput, 27, is running for the Democratic nomination in Michigan's 12th Congressional District, currently served by Dem. Rep. Debbie Dingell.
The 12th Congressional District covers areas from the western suburbs of Detroit to Ann Arbor.
Rajput supports a two-state solution and believes that Israel and Palestine should be able to "govern themselves on their own land," according to his campaign website. "Solomon supports all non-violent methods to pressure the Israeli government to respect the rights of Palestinians, including the BDS movement (Boycott, Divest, Sanctions)."
The Democratic candidate also supports a bill that would condition US military funding to Israel on certification that it would not be used for "detention, interrogation, abuse, or ill-treatment of Palestinian children and for other purposes."
Rajput has said that if he's elected he will advocate against US President Donald Trump's decision to stop considering Israeli settlements a violation of international law.
Rajput servd as an undergraduate adviser and researcher at Dartmouth College and was a campaign intern for Barack Obama's presidential campaign.
The 12th Congressional District borders the 13th Congressional District, served by Dem. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a congresswoman known as an Israel critic.
In December, Tlaib opposed a House resolution expressing support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and warning Israel against attempting to annex territory in the West Bank. The congresswoman said that the resolution "endorses an unrealistic, unattainable solution” that “legitimizes inequality, ethnic discrimination, and inhumane conditions.”
“We cannot be honest brokers of peace if we refuse to use the words: illegal occupation by Israel. Our country and the United States Congress must condemn these undemocratic actions. We must take bolder actions to ensure [that] human rights are upheld in Israel and that Palestinians and black Israelis are treated with the equality that every human being deserves,” said Tlaib.

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Tlaib and fellow congresswoman Ilhan Omar were barred from visiting Israel last year. Tlaib request to visit was eventually approved on the condition that she wouldn't promote boycott activity while on her trip.
Rachel Wolf, Omri Nahmias, Herb Keinon and Rossella Tercatin contributed to this report.