IDF helicopters struck two Hamas outposts in the Gaza Strip on Monday in retaliation to an earlier terror attack from the Gaza Strip, IDF spokesperson said.Dozens of incendiary balloons landed inside Israel on the Gaza border on Sunday morning.console.log("2390 BODY2. CatId is:"+catID);if(catID==120){	console.log("2390 BODY. YES for anyclip script");	var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = ''; script.setAttribute('pubname','jpostcom'); script.setAttribute('widgetname','0011r00001lcD1i_12258'); document.getElementsByClassName('divAnyClip')[0].appendChild(script);			}else if(catID !== 151) {	let widgetid = "60fd6becf6393400049e6535";	if(catID === 69){		widgetid = "65c3a2148772803523c6f41b";	}else if(catID === 161){		widgetid = "65c3a224fb10822a0a7db2dd";	}		console.log("2390 BODY. YES for vidazoo script"); var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = ''; script.setAttribute('data-widget-id', widgetid); document.getElementsByClassName('divVidazoo')[0].appendChild(script);}