Netanyahu barks back at Erdogan remarks while meeting with Christian soldiers

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as acting Defense Minister, met with Christian soldiers today in lieu of the holidays and New Year celebrations.
Netanyahu used his time speaking to first greet the Christian soldiers and then shortly drew his attention to speaking about the back and forth row between him and Turkish President Erdogan debating the morality of each nation and their armies.
"We are proud of you, the entire nation is proud of you. You belong to that most moral army in the world." Netanyahu began.
"Not everyone shares this view. Looney-land is now exposing a daily anti-Semitic dictator Erdogan.
"He has an obsession with Israel. He knows what a moral army we are and he knows what a real democracy we have become, as opposed to an army massacring women and children in Kurdish villages. Unfortunately becoming a dictator.
"He has an obsession with Israel. But there is also an improvement -  there was time Erdogan was attacking me every two hours and now every six hours." Netanyahu concluded.