Gabbay: Left-wing alliance must not form gov't with Bibi

"We won't join Netanyahu — we'll replace him," said Labor chairman Avi Gabbay in a conversation with activists from the "No Unity, No Victory" initiative.

Gabbay: left-wing alliance must not form government with Bibi, January 24, 2019 (Courtesy)
Labor leader Avi Gabbay met with activists from the "No Unity, No Victory" group, which advocates a union of center and left-wing political parties to thwart Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the upcoming elections.
"I really believe that we can win this time — the people want change," Gabbay told the group, who had protested outside of his home.
"I want change for the State of Israel, and I want us to build a coalition of change, but if we sit in a government with Netanyahu, there won't be change," Gabbay said. "Therefore, the first thing that we have to do is to promise not to sit in a government with Netanyahu.
"It is impossible to lower the cost of living, advance a diplomatic solution [to the Israel-Palestinian conflict], or take care of the youth in a Netanyahu-led government," he continued. "We won't join Netanyahu — we'll replace him."
In recent weeks, activists from "No Unity, No Victory" have protested outside the home of leaders of other center and left-wing parties. Activists have also approached former prime minister Ehud Barak;  Hatnua leader Tzipi Livni; Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid; Israel Resilience Party (Hosen L'Israel) leader Benny Gantz; former IDF chief of staff Gabi Ashkenazi; and former defense minister and head of the Telem Party Moshe "Bogie" Ya'alon.