Elad Gabar, alleged pedophile, extradited to the US to face justice

Elad Gabar is accused of using the internet to blackmail 150 minors and of sexually assaulting 19 of them.

Police  (photo credit: ING IMAGE/ASAP)
(photo credit: ING IMAGE/ASAP)
An Israeli wanted by the state of California for allegedly producing and distributing child pornography online was extradited from Israel to the US on Thursday to stand trial. 
Elad Gabar is accused of using the internet to blackmail 150 minors, and of sexually assaulting 19 of them. 
He is alleged to have searched online media for images of underage girls conducting sexual acts, before locating these same minors on social media. He then blackmailed them into agreeing to perform for him. In cases in which the young girls refused, he released the materials to their friends and families. 
The case follows a report by CBS on  Wednesday in which it was claimed that Jewish-American pedophiles are using the law of return to avoid answering for their crimes in the US.
The CBS reporter joined Jewish Community Watch (JCW) activists as they were looking for Jimmy Karow, who fled the US in 2000 after being accused of sexually assaulting a nine-year-old girl in Oregon.
Karow is wanted by Interpol, yet was able to remain in Israel, where he allegedly moved between different Jewish communities to avoid being exposed. While in Israel, he was accused of sexually assaulting a young girl.
After an Israeli court found him guilty of child molestation in 2002, he served time in prison and was released. JCW activists spotted Karow and informed the police, who arrested him.
Meanwhile, President Reuven Rivlin is expected to visit Australia in the next few days, where he will likely to speak with his hosts about the Malka Leifer case. 
Leifer is accused of sexually assaulting eight students in her care and fleeing to Israel using the law of return, where she allegedly feigned mental illness to avoid being extradited to Australia. The case caused an uproar in both the Australian Jewish community and the larger Australian society.
Australian MPs from both sides of the aisle have jointly called on Israel to extradite suspected pedophile Malka Leifer immediately in light of the ongoing delays in the legal proceedings against her.

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Jeremy Sharon contributed to this report.