IDF razes five protest shacks near Khan al-Ahmar

The international community, which holds that such a demolition is illegal under international law, has pressured Israel to allow the community to remain in its current location.

IDF razes five protest shacks near Khan al-Ahmar (credit: REUTERS)
In a pre-dawn West Bank raid the Civil Administration demolished five white shacks that activists had placed in the area Khan al-Ahmar Monday to protest the pending demolition of the illegal Bedouin herding village.
Civil Administration official took apart the shacks, loaded the pieces onto trucks and carried them away.
Their activity brought awakened activists and Khan al-Ahmar residents who are expected the IDF to arrive at any moment to evacuate their village of 180 people, located just off of Route 1, near the Kfar Adumim settlement. The security forces left as the sun rose.
The Office of the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories said, “This morning (Thursday), the Civil Administration's Supervisory Unit carried out enforcement against five movable structures that were illegally transported to, and erected in the vicinity of Kfar Adumim over the past few days. This enforcement activity was carried out in accordance with regulations and according to the law.”

“The erection of these structures was advanced by representatives of the Palestinian Authority in protest and defiance of the decision of the High Court of Justice, and in opposition to the enforcement of Israeli law in Area C.”
Last week the High Court of Justice ruled that there was no legal impediment to the destruction of Khan al-Ahmar which was illegally built and is close to a major artery.
The Defense Ministry has already declared its intention to destroy the village. The international community, which holds that such a demolition is illegal under international law, has pressured Israel to allow the community to remain in its current location.
The European Parliament is expected to vote later today on a resolution condemning Israel for such action, which would include the destruction of the Tyre elementary school.