
A shared future starts now: Why 2025 must be the year of change

A shared society, based on equality, justice, and mutual respect, will lead us out of the crisis toward a future of peace.

 Israel police rescued another monkey in a Bedouin village.

Monkey rescued in Negev brings total to 12 as police continue wildlife crackdown

Israeli police have discovered another monkey in a Bedouin village, part of a larger wildlife smuggling operation that used drones from Egypt and Jordan to transport animals, weapons, and drugs.

Israel Police rescue another lion cub stranded in Israel’s Negev

In total, Negev District police, the Southern Command, and the Israel Nature and Parks Authority have rescued three lion cubs and seven monkeys.

  An injured monkey found in the Tel Sheva area, March 10, 2025.

Israel Police rescue monkey in open area near Rahat

These operations come as part of a widespread effort by the police to locate wild animals held illegally by civilians.

  Police officers and a Nature and Parks Authority officer pose with the rescued monkey, March 5, 20

Lion cub missing in Negev, police locate monkey

Israel Police rescued a monkey held illegally in a Bedouin village and returned it to wildlife officials.

 Israel Police officers seen near a Mosque in the Bedouin village of Umm al-Hiran, in the Negev

Bedouin, Arab Israeli sector more likely to suffer genetic diseases

The main causes of the genetic disorders are consanguineous marriages – inbreeding, and the high rate of, insufficient response to screening tests, and language barriers in genetic clinics.

IACC will lead the Ministry of Education’s plan for the Arab, Bedouin, and Druze communities

The Israel association of Community Centers won an unprecedented tender worth approximately NIS 400 million for a period of five years after surpassing other competitors.


Desert portraits: A snapshot at Bedouin life in Israel

By stepping outside our comfort zones and connecting with people on their terms, we open our lens and hearts to the many faces of Israel that often go unseen.


Bedouin girl - short story

She is descended from Ishmael and I am from Isaac, but the father of both was Abraham, so perhaps it was kinship that we felt and recognized.

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