Iranian MP to propose bill banning nuclear weapons

In December, Iran's Guardian Council pressed charges against MP Mahmoud Sadeghi after he accused the council of "financial corruption."

Missiles and a portrait of Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in Baharestan Square in Tehran, Iran (photo credit: NAZANIN TABATABAEE YAZDI/ TIMA VIA REUTERS)
Missiles and a portrait of Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in Baharestan Square in Tehran, Iran
Mahmoud Sadeghi, a reformist member of the Iranian parliament, tweeted on Friday that he intends to present a bill banning the development of nuclear weapons in Iran, according to Radio Farda.
Sadeghi based the proposal of the bill on a public declaration by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Wednesday in which he stated that nuclear weapons are a violation of Sharia law.
"Considering the Fatwa (Islamic legal opinion) of the Supreme Leader about the religious prohibition on nuclear weapons, I will present a bill to Majles (the Iranian Parliament) banning its production," Sadeghi tweeted.
On May 29, Khamenei announced that "Our strength is in nuclear science and we are not after nuclear weapons either. Not because of the sanctions or the (pressures from) the United States, but because of our ideology that deems nuclear weapons forbidden from the point of view of Fiqh (Islamic legal interpretation and analysis, according to Oxford Islamic Studies) and religion," Tasnim news reported.
Addressing calls to produce, but not use nuclear weapons, Khamenei stated that "this is also wrong. We would spend a lot to produce them without using it and the enemy knows we would never use them. So they would be ineffective for us," according to Tasnim news.
Mahmoud Sadeghi is known as a vocal critic of conservatives in Iran. In December 2018, Iran's Guardian Council (GC) pressed charges against the outspoken member of parliament after he accused the GC of "financial corruption," according to Radio Farda.
Anyone who wants to run for office in Iran, must first be approved by the GC. The suit filed by the GC against Sadeghi claimed that he had accused the GC of receiving bribes for approving political candidates.
Sadeghi also criticized the GC for disqualifying competent candidates.
"By disqualifying merited candidates, the Guardian Council has not allowed figures brave enough to fight corruption to have a seat in the parliament," Sadeghi stated in an open session of parliament in December 2018.
"Why is parliament devoid of the serious will necessary for fighting corruption? Why are we cooperating with corrupt figures, and why are we afraid to publicly name those who have astronomical overdue debts [to the banks]?" Sadeghi continued. "Are we the essence of the nation’s virtues? [No], we are the essence of the Guardian Council’s virtues."

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A few days later, Sadeghi reaffirmed that he believes "in the GC’s right to qualify or reject candidates."
He did however criticize recent limitations placed on the authority of the parliament, saying, "The point is reducing parliament’s realm of authority. We are not allowed to investigate any case related to the GC or Assembly of Experts. These limitations have reduced the level of the parliament’s authority and its output," Iran's ISNA news agency reported.