Prosecutors said Rafat Amirov and Polad Omarov were to be paid $500,000 by Iran for the assassination.
"This matter concerns the entire Islamic people," he added. "The Islamic Ummah should set aside their differences on various issues, and stand united against Zionist regime’s crimes in Gaza."
MIDDLE ISRAEL: As Jews marked Purim, Iran’s Khamenei denied the Holocaust, echoing past enemies. History proves one thing: Jews remember, and those who seek to erase them never prevail.
Khamenei told a group of university students that Trump's offer for talks was "a deception aimed at misleading public opinion."
While aware of consequences if caught, Iranians sent footage to N12 showing mass income inequality and support for Israel.
In a meeting with senior Iranian officials, Khamenei said the aim of Washington's offer for negotiations was to "impose their own expectations," Iranian state media reported.
As Iran's aging autocrat Ali Khamenei doubles down on confrontation with Israel and the United States, the nation stands at a historic crossroads.
Iranian state media said that Iran’s “president acknowledges he shifted position on negotiating with the US to match [Supreme] Leader’s stance.”
The Iranian regime is on the verge of collapse; criminal mullahs attempt to distract the Iranian people from uniting behind the leadership of the Prince of Iran.
The internal crisis in Iran has also led to the disgrace, discredit, and despisal of mullah-producing institutions in the cities of Qom, Mashhad, and Tehran.