Sa'ar's new budget is the first step toward correcting 77 years of mistakes in neglecting Israel’s effort to explain itself to the world, which is more important than ever.
Coalition to face challenges including budget and haredi IDF draft laws in upcoming year.
Coalition members, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, criticized Ben-Gvir's decision to vote against the critical tax bill.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came from the hospital for voting 48 hours after prostate removal surgery
Bill must pass by end of year; expected to create over NIS 9 billion national income in 2025.
"I have worked with the Finance Minister hand in hand and I am very sorry to be forced to end my role now," Heisler said.
Adopting private-sector principles doesn’t mean running the government like a business. It means fostering a culture of efficiency, accountability, and alignment in service of the public good.
“We will not stop until every single person in Israel who has a need for food receives the basics that they deserve," said Yael Eckstein, the president of IFCJ.
The Israel-Hamas War is adding to the government’s budgetary needs. So, taxes won’t be cut any time soon.
The total budget for 2025 will be approximately NIS 706 billion, and include budget cuts relative to the 2024 budget, totaling about NIS 37 billion.