If we learn lessons from the Czech case, it becomes clear that Israeli civil society must emphasize the righteousness of its cause beyond the borders of Tel Aviv.
There was much to enjoy watching Rossini Cards and it could have been even better without the chatterbox comedian chatting in contrived fashion.
The coronation of King Charles and his Queen Consort Camilla is providing plenty of fodder for media outlets in Britain and around the world.
In his meeting with the Czech President Peter Pavl and Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky, Cohen plans to discuss the threat Iran poses to Israel and the world.
We Jews draw strength from each other and our history – making layer after layer, standing strong against evil, and caring for our own people and for all others who need our help.
As we reflect on this story and its relevance to our lives today, it is important to also recognize the ongoing struggle for civil liberties around the world.
EUROPEAN AFFAIRS: Officials and Jewish leaders gathered in Prague and Theresienstadt to discuss fake news, conspiracy theories and antisemitism.
Rafael and its customers researched and analyzed the lessons learned from recent and ongoing armed conflicts involving extensive use of tactical ballistic missiles.