Israel Democracy Institute

Netanyahu and Abbas

Majority of Jewish Israelis opposed to demilitarized Palestinian state

In a survey performed by the Israel Democracy Institute, Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel were asked a variety of questions about Israel's war with Hamas and what the future should look like.

Majority of Israelis prioritize hostage release over toppling Hamas - poll

Israelis who prioritize the rescue of hostages have clashed with Israelis who believe that the IDF completely removing Hamas from power should be the priority.

Ultra-Orthodox women break through in tech education, report finds

“This change stems from deep processes in the perception of the role of women in ultra-Orthodox society and the quality of their professional training in the education and higher education system.”


Israeli optimism about the future on the rise despite war - poll

Since the October 7 attack, optimism about the country's future has been rising across the board for both Jews and Arabs.

Release of hostages top war goal for Israeli Jews and Arabs - poll

A majority of the population supports amending the Nation-State Law to include the principle of full equality for non-Jewish citizens of the state.

The war from an economic perspective - opinion

The current circumstances make it impossible to carry on business as usual on the economic front.


Israeli faith in gov't at lowest in at least 20 years - poll

Only 20% of Israelis still have faith in the government compared to 28% in June with the majority of the dip coming from the Right.

Rocket firings reduce during Biden trip, soar towards Tel Aviv after

Northern border remains tense; IDI: 300,000 evacuated Israelis

Nearly half of coalition voters say security worse under current gov't

The survey showed that 61% of the respondents answered that the situation today is worse compared to only 15% who answered that the situation is good.

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