
Hanukkah: The history of the menorah and hanukkiah seen in ancient manuscripts

The tradition of building up to lighting eight oil lamps (plus one shamash, or servitor) over the Hanukkah period began in the 2nd century CE.


What David Brooks and Bob Dylan teach Jews about heresy

Bob Dylan and David Brooks's relationships with faith are a complete unknown, like a rolling stone.


Experience Judaism like never before: Meet the world’s only museum of its kind

The Alliance Israélite Universelle organization proudly launches the Alliance Museum—the first educational virtual museum of its kind in Israel and worldwide.


Hanukkah: ‘The fragrance of paradise’

During Hanukkah, the days of light triumphing over darkness, as the small flames illuminate the night, let us remember the fragrance of paradise that exists within every Jew, no matter who they are.

Parashat Miketz: Joseph, the master of ‘provention’

The Torah reminds us of a slower tempo. That cadence can enhance our ability to act more long term and proactively, as we face so many dilemmas, to be more like Joseph and practice “provention.”

The blessing and burden of bearing first witness to Jewish history

How can Jewish journalists turn away the call of history and simultaneously bear the weight of what they must report?


Over 50? Donuts could be bad for your health

The research analyzed data from 2,700 participants in Israel and worldwide, revealing that the body’s ability to metabolize carbohydrates declines significantly after age 50.

Follow Soviet hero Kuznetsov's example: Resist forces seeking to strip Jewish ties to Israel

The courage of those young Soviet Jews who risked everything for their identity is a powerful example for Diaspora Jews today.

Actress Gwyneth Paltrow recounts Hanukkah traditions, from childhood to the present

Noa Tishby and Gwyneth Paltrow reflected on connections to Judaism, with Paltrow expressing her gratitude for being able to grow up with different faiths.

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