Scientists have found a method to stimulate the body's cells to release insulin within minutes using music, and it works especially well with "We Will Rock You" by Queen.
Between 2020 and July 6 this year, the MHRA received five reports of suspected adverse drug reactions involving semaglutide associated with "suicidal and self-injurious behavior."
Findings on mouse models bring us one step closer to developing effective treatments for certain diseases
Betalin Therapeutics announces progress in its micro pancreas project, potentially freeing insulin-dependent diabetes patients from constant injections
Professor Tim Spector revealed the secret to losing weight through breakfast after he noticed that his breakfast, considered healthy by many, resulted in him gaining 10 kilograms.
Everyone is talking about Ozempic. But not everyone is honest if they take it, or about the side effects of the drug.
Some countries and regions are particularly badly hit. For example, prevalence rates are expected to reach 16.8% in North Africa and the Middle East.
The study found that for every additional kilo at birth, there is a connection to a 40% decrease in the risk to develop the disease, a trend that continues to the highest birth weights.
Ultimately, all of these drugs were withdrawn from the market because although they were effective for weight loss, they also harmed and killed people.
Even if you are at high risk for metabolic disease. The exercise should make you sweat and be out of breath.