Jerusalem Day: Israel violated Temple Mount status quo - Jordan

Jordan: This "provocative behavior" carried out under an Israeli police escort, is a violation of the existing "historical and legal situation" at the site.

 Otzma Yehudit head MK Itamar Ben-Gvir is seen on the Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day, on May 29, 2022. (photo credit: TEMPLE MOUNT ADMINISTRATION)
Otzma Yehudit head MK Itamar Ben-Gvir is seen on the Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day, on May 29, 2022.

Jordan accused Israel of violating the status quo on the Temple Mount after MK Itamar Ben-Gvir (Religious Zionist Party) visited there on Sunday to mark Jerusalem Day and Jewish activists at the site waved Israeli flags, singing "the Jewish people live."

This "provocative behavior" carried out under an Israeli police escort, is a violation of the existing "historical and legal situation" at the site, the Jordanian Foreign Ministry said on Sunday according to the Petra News Agency.

It called on Israel to stop all such violations.

The status quo

Jordan spoke out on Jerusalem Day, during which Israelis mark the capture of east Jerusalem from the Jordanians during the Six Day War in 1967. 

 An Israeli flag is seen being raised on the Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day, on May 29, 2022. (credit: HOZRIM LAHAR NGO)
An Israeli flag is seen being raised on the Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day, on May 29, 2022. (credit: HOZRIM LAHAR NGO)

Prior to the war, Jerusalem had been a city divided between Jordanian and Israeli sovereignty, with Israelis forbidden from accessing the eastern part of the city, where the Western Wall and the Temple Mount are located.

Based on a status quo arrangement after the war, people of all faiths can visit the Temple Mount administered by the Islamic Wakf, but only Muslims can worship there. 

The morning visit to the Temple Mount by Ben-Gvir and Jewish activists comes as the city is already on edge due to the large flag march planned later in the day which is slated to go through the Old City's Damascus Gate and from there to the Western Wall. 

There is no plan for the march to proceed to the Temple Mount, known to Muslims are al-Haram al-Sharif.