The IDF noted that there were individuals hit from the gunfire exchange but no casualties.
Qatar will supply gas to Syria via Jordan to ease power shortages, with US approval marking a shift in regional dynamics.
The attendees reportedly highlighted Jordan’s "guardianship of the Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem."
The officials will discuss cooperation in the areas of security, combating terrorism and organized crime, as well as regional developments
Thomas Gabriel Perera was tricked by a job scam into traveling to Jordan and later tried to enter Israel in search of work.
The boycotts against Starbucks in Jordan sparked over the company's alleged ties with Israel and have been gaining momentum for 17 months.
Trumps Vorschlag, die Bewohner des Gazastreifens in andere Länder umzusiedeln, hat eine weltweite Debatte ausgelöst und stellt diplomatische Normen und Friedensstrategien im Nahen Osten in Frage.
Smugglers had attempted to exploit poor weather conditions and dense fog to cross the border.
The man reportedly tried to cross into the country to find employment.
The president of Syria arrived in Jordan after a night of confusion in southern Syria as locals reported Israeli airstrikes.