Israeli lawmakers launch bipartisan center to aid citizens amid war

Members from both sides of the political spectrum are working together during Israel's time of crisis.

Medical supplies and humanitarian aid being distributed in Southern Israel (photo credit: UNITED HATZALAH‏)
Medical supplies and humanitarian aid being distributed in Southern Israel
(photo credit: UNITED HATZALAH‏)

One hundred and seven Israeli lawmakers from the coalition and opposition have joined together to launch a new center, Recruiting with Love, to help coordinate aid efforts for Israeli citizens in need during the ongoing war with Hamas.

The center has been operational since last week and is equipped to provide concrete information and aid whenever needed. It allows the MKs and their advisers to monitor requests from the field, connecting Israelis in need with government officials, volunteers who are able to assist, and donors. 

The need for pinpointed assistance comes in the wake of countless incoming requests regarding missing persons and various other distress calls related to the war Israel is currently fighting against Hamas. Alongside this, many others are offering to volunteer time, money, and effort to strengthen Israel's national resilience. 

Anonymous donor pays NIS 200,000 to evacuate Israelis from the South

For example, one anonymous donor asked to donate NIS 200,000 to the residents of southern Israel. The center used this money to evacuate dozens of Israeli citizens from active war zones, placing them in hotels in safer areas.  

In a separate instance, Recruiting with Love assisted an elderly woman from Ashdod in purchasing supplies and medicine after she contacted them asking for help, being frightened to leave her home. 

 People queue as Israelis are evacuated from the southern town of Sderot, near Israel's border with Gaza, October 15, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/AMIR COHEN)
People queue as Israelis are evacuated from the southern town of Sderot, near Israel's border with Gaza, October 15, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/AMIR COHEN)

"It is a huge privilege to be able to address soldiers' and citizens' needs at this time," a Recruiting with Love spokesman said. 

"Also, it is moving to watch 107 Knesset members, regardless of their political affiliations, working together in this way. We call on all those in need of assistance not to hesitate to turn to us. We are here for you," he concluded.

You can contact the center via or by phone: *5350