IDF prepares to demolish homes of Eli, Ma'aleh Adumim terrorists

The houses mapped belong to the terrorists responsible for an attack outside a private home in the Eli settlement and an attack in a shopping mall in Ma'aleh Adumim.

Israeli army machines demolish a Palestinian house during an Israeli raid in the West Bank city of Jenin (photo credit: REUTERS)
Israeli army machines demolish a Palestinian house during an Israeli raid in the West Bank city of Jenin
(photo credit: REUTERS)
The IDF mapped out the homes of three terrorists in the West Bank involved in recent attacks on Israelis. The mapping out is a step that precedes the demolition of their homes.
In the Palestinian village of Karyut, units arrived at the homes of two 17-year-old terrorists who stabbed and injured a civilian in the settlement of Eli, before being shot dead by soldiers, preparing their homes for demolition.
IDF units and Border Police officers from the Etzion Brigade, together with the Civil Administration, also mapped out the Azriya home of Sa'adi Abu Khamed, who attacked and severely injured a security guard with an axe at the Ma'aleh Adumim shopping center on February 26.
Separately, security forces together with the Oketz K-9 unit and the Kfir infantry brigade launched security raids in the Jabl Hindaze, on the outskirts of Bethlhem. The army identified the area as a focal point of incitement and terrorist activities, the IDF Spokesman Unit said.
Meanwhile, security forces arrested eleven Palestinian security residents in raids across the West Bank. Arrests occurred in Tul Karem, where a Hamas member and two other wanted suspects were taken into custody, in Azun, southeast of Kalilya, Ramllah, and other ocations around Hebron.
On Wednesday, Eli resident Roy Harel opened the door to his home early Wednesday morning to find two teenage Palestinian assailants waiting to attack him with wooden sticks and a knife.
“I opened the door with a satchel in my hand and I saw the two [teenagers] wearing dark clothing and wooden sticks in their hands.
They jumped on me and pushed their way into the house,” said Harel.
“I fought with them inside the house. They got close to a bedroom,” Harel said as he described the 7 a.m. attack in which he was lightly wounded for Army Radio. He had been on his way to report for reserve duty.
“After a few minutes I was able to push them back outside even as they were hitting me with sticks,” Harel said.

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Then he locked the door.
Harel told his five children who had woken up to stay in their room.
Harel’s wife called emergency services and tried to stop the bleeding from his head wound.
Security services arrived almost immediately, he said, adding that it took another half-an-hour for them to find the two assailants, who had hidden in the yard of a mikve (ritual bath) on that street.
When the assailants saw soldiers pass them, they came out and attempted to stab them.
The soldiers shot and killed them.
Tovah Lazaroff contributed to this report