A solution for migraine sufferers to return to normal life

Eyeball diagnosis offers relief for migraine sufferers, treating the root cause and restoring normalcy. Don't let migraines control your life any longer.

 migraine (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

Dor Zion's (26-year-old) smiling face and energetic and engaging speech do not betray the years in which he suffered from cluster headaches in addition to the usual migraines. "These are 30-45 minute headache attacks that are infernal at such a level that they make you lose consciousness. I do not wish such pains on my haters."

Dor, like many migraine sufferers, went to many doctors, received medication mainly to relieve the pain and suffered for years. "These are pains that break you, crush you. I didn't know what to do with myself, I reached a state of despair and cried.""I searched a lot until I arrived at the Iris Geyer Center where I met Iris and her team. I had never heard of an eyeball diagnosis before and I thought it was just until I started reading and learning about this field in which a lot of research is being done," says Dor and emphasizes "what was different here is that for the first time we were diagnosed And explain to me why I suffer from these terrible pains. Knowing what the problem is, they take care of the other half of the solution in a natural and efficient way. I was very impressed by the findings of the diagnosis Iris clearly and at eye level I also decided to purchase the treatment plan she offered me and I bless this day and the decision I made that brought me back to life."

Migraine - lines like it

Headaches here and there are quite common. However, when the pain is strong and returns over time, lasting between 4 hours and 3 days, during which the person is neutralized from activity and experiences additional symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound - this is a migraine. The treatment of migraine prevalent today is with the help of drugs that relieve the symptoms, that is, the headaches, but do not prevent them. These are neurological drugs that are characterized by many side effects that only add more suffering and discomfort to those who are already suffering.

  (credit: Canva)
(credit: Canva)

"Many people I meet at the clinic come with a diagnosis of migraine. The results of their CT and MRI tests are normal and so are the blood tests, but they still suffer from severe headaches that have not left them for years and they are already discouraged," describes Iris Geyer, an expert iridologist International with 22 years of experience in treating chronic pain problems. "Despite all the tests, no one told them why the migraines break out in them, what is the root of the problem."

Iris, who studied and specialized with the greatest experts in the world in diagnosis through the eyeball and treatment in natural ways, explains: "Migraine can be caused by various reasons - such as the accumulation of toxins in the liver, digestive problems and constipation, narrowing of blood vessels or a tissue change that occurs in the body. For each the cause It is different, that's why it is very important to find the cause in each person specifically, because when you know what the cause is, you can give targeted and effective treatment that solves the problem."

The eyes tell everything

Leading international researchers, such as Dr. Daniel Lo Rito MD from Italy, Dr. Bernard and Alan Jensen from the USA and Dr. Leonard Malmaur from the United States, have shown that in the iris - the colored part of the eye - there is an accurate mapping of all body systems and organs Genetically and in the white of the eye - the white part that surrounds the color wheel - there are signs that tell what is happening in the body right now, in real time, even during the onset of the disease and before the person feels symptoms of pain or a problem.

  (credit: Iris Geyer Center)
(credit: Iris Geyer Center)

Iridology map

Iris traveled around the world to learn the theory of diagnosis in the eyeball from the leading researchers who developed the research maps of iridology and the most advanced natural treatment methods available. She gathered all this knowledge in the "Iris Geyer Center", which she founded in 2000. In the center, she performs iridology diagnoses and natural therapeutic support for those suffering from a variety of medical problems - from fibromyalgia and migraine to digestive problems, allergies and skin problems, chronic fatigue, arthritis and more. Iris is also the representative in Israel of the World Iridology Association IIPA.

Not destiny

Iris has a very important message for migraine sufferers: it is not fate. "There is a way and a method here. I have treated many people who, even after 15, 20 and even 35 years, managed to recover from migraines and they no longer suffer. In order for this to happen, it is necessary to understand the source of the outbreak of migraines, and we do this through diagnosis in the eyeball."

"I recommend to people who suffer from migraines like I did, have already given up and don't believe that there is any more chance of recovery, not to give up and try this amazing treatment method, based on the diagnosis in the eyeball, to come to the Iris Geyer center and go through the process. Find the real source of the problem and not be satisfied with just relaxing the pains," Dor says. "Even if the process seems strange to them at first. It works and it helps. Already in the first week of the process I saw an improvement and after 3 months I reached the point where I have no seizures at all. Today, my life is great, I sleep well at night, I am productive, I no longer live through the pain I'm 100% me."

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In collaboration with the Iris Geyer center for treatment through eyeball diagnosis