Arkia unveils official aircraft for Israeli Olympic delegation

In a moving ceremony at Terminal 3, Ben-Gurion Airport, Arkia and the Israeli Olympic Committee celebrated the Israeli delegation ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympics.

 The Olympic airplane (photo credit: ARKIA)
The Olympic airplane
(photo credit: ARKIA)

In a moving ceremony held at Terminal 3, Ben-Gurion Airport, Arkia and the Israeli Olympic Committee celebrated the Israeli delegation just before their departure for the Paris 2024 Olympics. Arkia will be the official carrier for the Israeli delegation to the Paris Olympics.

The poignant event was attended by Arkia CEO Oz Berlovitz, Olympic Committee Chair Yael Arad, Meirav Lashem-Gonen, mother of Romi Gonen who was kidnapped from the Nova party, and Oudi Bar-Oz, Manager of Ben-Gurion Airport. They all extended their best wishes to the athletes and wished them great success at the Olympic Games. These blessings took on added significance given the complex and sensitive period in Israel, as all citizens of the country need moments of joy and national pride.

Oz Berlovitz remarked, "For me, today is a full circle. Twenty years ago, in 2004, Arkia was the official carrier for the Olympic delegation to the Athens Games. At that time, I was a flight attendant on that flight. Arkia flew the Olympic team, and we had the honor of bringing back sailor Gal Friedman with a gold medal, which was a joy that filled us all with great pride."

 Some members of the Israeli delegation to Paris 2024 (credit: ARKIA)
Some members of the Israeli delegation to Paris 2024 (credit: ARKIA)

Among the attendees was Oren Smadja, the coach of the judo team, who moved the entire nation by choosing to accompany the athletes to Paris despite the loss of his son, Omar, who fell in battle in Gaza. A particularly touching moment occurred during the encounter between Meirav Lashem-Gonen and Smadja. The two embraced and supported each other. In her speech, Meirav Lashem-Gonen said, "I want to support Oren and all the bereaved families. You are an inspiration to everyone. A whole nation stands behind you. I have two requests for you, members of the delegation. The first is that every time you are at the Olympic Games – at the opening ceremony, before a competition, or on the podium – hold your heads high with pride and show that there is no chance of breaking us. My second request is that you think of the hostages, the murdered, and the fallen – all those who cannot speak for themselves."

 Yael Arad (credit: ARKIA)
Yael Arad (credit: ARKIA)

At the end of the ceremony, the delegation boarded the specially designed Arkia aircraft, which is now en route to the Paris Olympics. Arkia is proud to be part of the Israeli delegation for the Paris 2024 Olympics and wishes the athletes great success in the competition. We hope that the Olympic Games will serve as a source of pride and national unity and bring moments of happiness to all citizens of Israel.