Teperberg Winery launches new podcast series to demystify wine culture

Teperberg Winery's innovative podcast series, "Let's Open It Up," aims to make wine culture accessible.

  (photo credit: Dedalos Designs)
(photo credit: Dedalos Designs)

Teperberg Winery has embarked on a new venture aimed at addressing common sentiments about wine culture. The initiative includes a podcast series and events hosted by Motty Reif, exploring topics such as the etiquette of opening a wine bottle, the relevance of the term "fruity," the meaning of "wine body," and more.

Introducing "Let's Open It Up," a series of podcasts and events hosted by Moti Reif, which will delve into additional, equally significant and intriguing subjects. The series will also feature online videos and tutorials on various wine topics. These videos cover aspects of wine culture, terminology, rituals, and practices, which may not always be known or essential for those who simply want to enjoy a bottle of wine in their everyday lives. In recent years, Teperberg Winery has invested more resources into connecting with the worlds of art, design, culture, and lifestyle, reflecting the winery’s belief that wine, culture, and people are intertwined.

Orly Landsman, Vice President of Marketing at Teperberg Winery, commented: "The 'Let's Open It Up' initiative was born out of everyday situations many of us encounter with wine. It addresses the experience of consuming wine in an accessible, humorous, and relatable manner, emphasizing the connection and enjoyment during gatherings around a bottle of wine. It speaks to everything people don't always say about wine and, ultimately, about life itself."

Teperberg Winery's story is one of tradition in a family business. As Israel’s oldest and largest family-owned winery, it passionately creates wines that foster connections among people. Founded in the mid-19th century by the great-great-grandfather of the current head, Moti Teperberg, the winery is a cornerstone of Israeli wine production.

The establishment of Teperberg Winery spans five generations of crafting Israeli wine, deeply rooted in the culture and history of Israel and particularly of its capital, Jerusalem. The winery was initially founded by Rabbi Avraham Teperberg, who emigrated to Jerusalem in the 1850s and engaged in the wine and alcohol trade. In 1870, he launched the winery under the name "Efrat," honoring the path of Efrat from where the grapes were sourced.

In recent years, the winery has undergone a quality revolution led by Moti Teperberg. This revolution includes the establishment of one of the most advanced and modern wineries in the country, investments in planting vineyards in high-quality regions, utilizing advanced wine production technologies, enhancing human capital, and upgrading distribution and information systems. Today, Teperberg Winery, the third-largest in Israel, produces 6-7 million bottles annually, marketed in Israel and worldwide. The wines are sold in retail chains and select wine shops across the country, with 20% exported abroad. Additionally, the winery participates in prestigious wine exhibitions and competitions both domestically and internationally.
