The emergency purchase of firefighting ATVs for the north begins

The state will purchase 100 Can-Am Traxter vehicles and 50 other models for standby units to quickly reach and extinguish fires in areas attacked by Hezbollah.

  (photo credit: REUTERS)
(photo credit: REUTERS)

Rapid lesson learned from the wave of fires in the north caused by Hezbollah: The Avnir company will supply the Government Vehicle Administration with about 100 utility ATVs that will carry firefighting equipment and be able to reach fires in the field and extinguish them before they spread and burn large areas. Another 50 vehicles will be purchased from other suppliers.

The procurement is being carried out by the Government Vehicle Administration for the Fire and Rescue Commission in the Public Security Ministry, which received a special budget of more than NIS 50 million to purchase 150 ATVs and 40 4x4 pickups, which will be able to reach points that regular fire trucks cannot.

The Traxter HD9 imported by Avnir won the latest tender published by the Vehicle Administration in the category, and the state will purchase about 80 vehicles that are in stock, and another 25 that are on their way to the country. Competing for the remaining quantity are Metro Motor with the Kawasaki Mule imported by Metro Motor, and Motorsports from the Lubinski Group, with the Polaris Ranger.

All the vehicles purchased will have diesel engines, high mobility capabilities, and the ability to tow more than half a ton, which can be used to transport additional firefighting water tanks. Such ATVs are already successfully used for firefighting and other tasks by local authorities.

The vehicles will be operated by standby units in the north under the guidance of the Fire Commission, to provide better protection for northern communities and their surroundings from Hezbollah rocket and UAV strikes. For economic reasons, the Air Force does not usually intercept hostile targets expected to hit unpopulated areas. However, such strikes cause fires that damage nature, fields, and orchards, and can spread to nearby communities.