Hourglass Fit Review: #1 Female Fat Burner or Dud?

Our Hourglass Fit review discusses whether or not it really is the best fat burner for women, or just an expensive vitamin. Read on to learn more.

  (photo credit: PR)
(photo credit: PR)

It's time to feel great and look your best.

HourGlass Fit helps you resist hunger cravings and lose weight.

The caffeine-free fat burner is 100% designed for women and contains all-natural ingredients.

As a result, women not only lose weight but keep the extra fat from returning in the future.

Interested? Discover more about HourGlass Fit fat burner in the complete review:

What is HourGlass Fit?

Click Here Now to visit the official Hourglass Fit website.

In general, women have more trouble losing weight compared to men.

Unfortunately, many biological and genetic factors make it difficult to burn fat and control metabolism.1

Moreover, there are numerous distractions and temptations that prevent you from eating correctly or exercise regularly.

HourGlass Fit is designed to bridge that gap and make losing weight much easier and more effective.

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The fat burner utilizes natural ingredients to create a powerful 2-in-1 formula (more information, below).

More importantly, the fat burner does not contain caffeine.

Thus, women avoid the artificial energy spikes and accompanying crashes notorious with caffeine fat burners.

HourGlass Fit takes away the stress and frustrations of not seeing weight loss results in the gym.

It's designed to compliment a healthy lifestyle yet produce the results that other diets and weight loss programs often fail to deliver.

As a result, you get that flat stomach and sexy waist you always wanted but were unable to achieve in the past.

How Does It Work?

Click Here Now to visit the official Hourglass Fit website.

HourGlass Fit produces a much thinner, leaner, more toned body.

For starters, the ingredients in the formula are much different compared to other weight loss supplements.

HourGlass Fit does not contain caffeine or other ingredients that are detrimental to your health.

Instead, the 2-in-1 formula (more details, below) is designed to deliver quick, impressive weight loss results.

HourGlass Fit provides 24/7 support by rapidly burning fat and improving metabolism.

For this reason, women have much better control over the urge to snack and eat junk food.

The 2-in-1 formula delivers in 3 important ways:

  • Reduces calories
  • Increases energy
  • Reduces hunger cravings

It's impossible to lose weight without a calorie deficit.2

Nevertheless, many people have issues burning calories even with regular exercise and dieting.3

HourGlass Fit provides the vitamins and nutrients required to rapidly burn fat and build lean muscle.

Furthermore, the fat burner generates a spike in energy without the reliance on caffeine.

Accordingly, users get through the day feeling more prepared, motivated, and inspired to lose weight.

Lastly, HourGlass Fit contains ingredients that support a good night's sleep and help reduce hunger cravings.

You'll have better control over what you eat and reduce cravings between meals.

HourGlass Fit Benefits

Click Here Now to visit the official Hourglass Fit website.

The struggle to lose weight is very real.4

Women of all ages can relate to not being satisfied with the image in the mirror.

Notwithstanding, it feels like no matter what you do, the results never emerge.

It doesn't matter what you eat or how often you visit the gym each week.

Even worse, you may have tried caffeine fat burners in the past, which often produce energy crashes and other unwanted side effects.

Perhaps, you feel like giving up?

HourGlass Fit wants you to reconsider weight loss and the role caffeine plays in it.

The fat burner manages weight and appetite in a safe, effective method that is much different from other weight loss supplements.

Accordingly, the most noticeable changes to your body, include:

  • Flat stomach
  • Hourglass waist
  • Firm, shaped glutes
  • Toned legs and arms

HourGlass Fit allows you to achieve results you can see and feel.

The supplement not only helps you lose weight but also experience several other lifestyle improvements.

Generally, most users notice better energy, sleep quality, and improved metabolism.

Meanwhile, other users report how the fat burner enables you to achieve the look you desire without causing you to always feel hungry or want to feast on late night snacks.

HourGlass Fit Ingredients

To start, here's a snapshot of the ingredients label:

  (credit: PR)
(credit: PR)

Click Here Now to see their page on the ingredients in Hourglass Fit.

HourGlass Fit is very transparent about the ingredients in the 2-in-1 formula unlike many other fat burners.

First and foremost, the 7 ingredients in the formula are taken from natural sources.

Consequently, the formula does not feature any synthetic additives or hidden blends.

HourGlass Fit only uses ingredients that are scientifically formulated and backed by clinical research.

Accordingly, many people consider the fat burner one of the most transparent with its customers.

The primary ingredients in the HourGlass Fit formula include:

  • 5-HTP
  • Bioperine
  • Capsimax
  • Chromium
  • Glucomannan
  • Vitamin B
  • Zinc

More importantly, the formula is soy-free and low in caffeine.

As a result, HourGlass Fit was created for real women who want real weight loss results.

Learn more about the 7 ingredients in the HourGlass Fit formula, below:


5-HTP is an important amino acid.

It helps women control appetite and manage hunger cravings.

Furthermore, 5-HTP is a natural precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter also referred to as the "feel-good" hormone.5

Accordingly, the amino acid improves mood and focus while helping you lose weight.


Bioperine is a patented ingredient featured in the HourGlass Fit formula.

The ingredient is an enhanced version of black pepper, which promotes several health functions.

Moreover, research indicates that perpine helps you lose weight and improve metabolism.6


Capsimax is another important, patented ingredient contained in the formula.

The blend features the bioactive capsaicinoids found in cayenne peppers.

Peppers offer many health benefits yet many people find them difficult to consume.

Capsimax is an enhanced version designed to increase energy and improve metabolism.

More importantly, research shows it helps people lose weight and reduce hunger cravings.7


Chromium has produced impressive results in clinical studies.8

The trace nutrient burns fat and reduces cravings associated with carbohydrates.9

Thus, it's an essential ingredient for women who want to lose weight and look sexy.


Glucomannan is one of the many ingredients highlighted in the 2-in-1 formula.

The fiber is found in the root of the konjac plant.

Studies reveal that glucomannan significantly reduces hunger cravings in women.10


The root of the plant expands in the stomach after being ingested, thus creating the feeling of being "fuller" for longer.11

Vitamin B

HourGlass Fit contains Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12.

Vitamin B2 helps you burn more calories and strengthens the metabolism.

Meanwhile, Vitamin B6 also helps women burn through carbs faster and lose weight.12

Vitamin B12, on the other hand, is an essential nutrient for burning fat and replacing it with lean muscle.

These B vitamins are combined into the formula to speed up results.


Zinc is an essential trace mineral that supports a healthy metabolism and immune system.

Notwithstanding, many people have a deficiency, causing a need to supplement.

Zinc keeps the body fit and trim avoiding the potential to gain weight again in the future.

HourGlass Fit User Reviews

Click Here Now to read more testimonials from Hourglass Fit customers.

It doesn't matter the situation.

You're sitting at your desk at work and have the urge to snack.

Or, it's lunch and a coworker tempts you with a tasty treat.

It's hard to stay focused and motivated losing weight with all the obstacles and temptations.

HourGlass Fit goes above and beyond what most weight loss supplements do for their customers.

In fact, the company encourages you to join its active online community to achieve success.

Here, you'll find many women with issues and problems that are relatable:

"I gained a lot of weight after college."

"I exercise 5 days a week and diet... still nothing."

"My body has never looked the same since my first child."

"I have 12 weeks before my wedding and need to lose weight."

These are common issues that women confront when trying to lose weight.

Nevertheless, countless women have found success using the HourGlass Fit where other fat burners have fallen short in the past:

"I've been using HourGlass Fit for 1 month and already lost 4lbs."

"Great results combined with regular exercise and a healthy diet."

These are not fake user reviews from people who don't actually exist.

Instead, you see real results from real women:

"The hardest part of losing weight is managing my appetite. I finally got my hunger under control."

"Most fat burners leave me with jitters and I can't sleep. There is no caffeine in HourGlass Fit so I thought I would give it a shot. The results have been incredible."

HourGlass Fit invites new customers to try the fat burner risk-free for 30 days.

Thereafter, share about your experience and receive a FREE order.

HourGlass Fit Community

HourGlass Fit wants to help you achieve success.

The weight loss supplement is much different from other products that intend to make a sale and do little else for you.

HourGlass Fit has an active online community.

Here, you can learn from others tips for losing weight and staying healthy.

The helpful guides introduce new users to popular workout programs.

Furthermore, learn how to eat better and try some of their tasty recipes.

Final Verdict: HourGlass Fit Fat Burner

Do you want that perfect body and dream life?

The image is constantly shoved in your face on social media yet how many women actually experience it.

Unfortunately, too many weight loss supplements mislead and deceive customers.

It leads to a lot of confusion and lack of trust, not to mention the frustrations of feeling like you'll never lose weight and look sexy.

HourGlass Fit intends to be different from the rest of the competition.

The fat burner avoids caffeine, thus eliminating the energy spikes and crashes associated with the drug.

Instead, the formula contains 7 important natural ingredients designed to increase energy, manage appetite, and lose weight.

For this reason, more women are using HourGlass Fit to get that body they always wanted yet were never able to achieve in the past.

HourGlass Fit is safe and natural, avoiding the side effects common with many caffeine fat burners.

Consequently, if you are seeking a better and more effective way to lose weight and control hunger, consider HourGlass Fit.

The weight loss supplement has an active online community where new users can connect with previous users to learn what worked for them.

As a result, you get the encouragement and support you need to lose weight and keep the extra fat from returning in the future.

Click Here Now to visit the official Hourglass Fit website.


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