Investigation: Natural solutions for attention & concentration problems

"Is Kishuvit a genuine natural remedy for attention and concentration issues? Prichat Hashalva's CEO, Tslil Assolin, shares insights on the efficacy of this 100% natural product."

 Research: Are there real natural solutions for attention and concentration problems? (photo credit: PR)
Research: Are there real natural solutions for attention and concentration problems?
(photo credit: PR)

ADHD - a marked increase in recent decades 

Dealing with difficulty with attention and concentration damages the quality of life and challenges the person himself and his environment. Despite the popular belief that ADHD is a product of the 21st century, this difficulty has already been documented throughout history, but in recent decades there has been a significant increase in its prevalence among the population. 

There is no doubt that the intense western lifestyle is one of the main influences on the incidence of the phenomenon along with poor dietary habits and exposure to air pollution. Tslil Assolin, an aromatherapist and CEO of the company Prichat Hashalva for the supply of natural nutritional supplements along with a variety of other natural preparations, explains the ability of medicinal plants to lead to a significant change in this field and in a variety of other fields:

Natural nutritional supplements - is there anything in it or not?

We are used to thinking that conventional medicine, which uses various chemicals to produce drugs and painkillers, is the only one with the power to solve problems in various fields.

However, it has been known since the dawn of history that medicinal plants are an integral part of natural biological healing processes. Different plants from nature - proven healing and assistance properties that help the body deal with diseases, neurological problems and difficulties in the emotional field.

"The Kishuvit product," explains Tslil Assolin, "is a completely natural preparation that helps with attention and concentration disorders. Many parents turn to us to thank us for the change that has occurred in their child thanks to the use of this product."

It turns out that Kishuvit was found to be an effective natural solution that helps improve attention and control among ADHD sufferers along with an effect on calmness and peace of mind.

 Research: Are there real natural solutions for attention and concentration problems? (credit: PR)
Research: Are there real natural solutions for attention and concentration problems? (credit: PR)

Upon entering the website of Prichat Hashalva, owned by Tslil Assolin, we are exposed to dozens of natural health products. "What are the preparations you offer on the site and have they been proven to be effective?" we ask The following is the response of Tslil Assolin:

"100% natural solutions that offer a significant improvement in the quality of life""In the worlds of holistic medicine, the solutions do not focus on the outer layer of the problem, but go down to the roots of the difficulty and offer a more in-depth solution," says Assolin in a preliminary explanation that provides a background for the ability of the company's products to affect a variety of problems in the body and mind.

"As an aromatherapist for 17 years, along with preparing natural solutions, I studied in depth the world of medicinal oils and I know the properties of medicinal plants of various types. Preparations based on natural plants have the ability to affect attention and concentration difficulties, various problems, and emotional difficulties, the body, which absorbs the aroma of the oil The ethereal or the need for an extract of designated medicinal plants, receives a very deep response to various types of problems, which brings significant relief in a variety of areas, it works both in the field of physical health and in the context of anxiety and depression problems."

How did the company Feritah HaShelva become popular among consumers of natural products and not only?"In the first years, I helped people through aromatherapy, says Tslil Assolin, "Over time, the demand increased a lot and I realized that I had to formalize the preparation and sales processes. This is how the site of the flowering of peace was established. I made contact with a high-quality factory for the production of natural solutions and today the site is a popular address for people who wish to enjoy 100% natural preparations to alleviate a variety of phenomena and struggles.

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Is there any supervision of the products on the Peace Flower site?

"The factory with which we work in close cooperation is licensed by the Ministry of Health, all products are tested and approved on their behalf in order to provide customers with supervised natural solutions," explains Tslil Assolin, the company's CEO.

customers recommend:

"My sleep has become better and more quality"We approached the company's customers with the goal that they would tell us about the change they experienced through using the company's product. Noah M. A 37-year-old from Rehovot, agreed to share with us the great benefit she had from taking a capsule for sleep from the Flower of Peace home: "I suffered for a long time from insomnia. This is a very significant difficulty that interferes with daily functioning and significantly disrupts the arrangements. I used sleeping pills continuously, but they did not solve the problem fully and I really wanted to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

A friend suggested that I try natural pills from the Peace Blossom company. At first I was very skeptical because I don't really believe in natural solutions, but in the end I decided I had nothing to lose and ordered a jar for insomnia. These capsules got me back on track and functioning properly and really saved me. I highly recommend it to anyone who suffers from insomnia."

"I didn't know heat waves could disrupt life"

Tal A. From Tel Aviv she suffered from annoying hot flashes as a phenomenon of menopause. "I had a real nightmare about it," she shares, "The heat waves surprised me with their intensity and really interfered with my daily conduct. My doctor said there was nothing I could do and I should wait for the phenomenon to pass on its own. I did not agree to accept the diagnosis and tried to see if there was a natural solution to the problem. On the Ferhat website The Serenity I discovered a special preparation for dealing with heat waves.

I ordered the product and it arrived within two days. Since then I feel a real relief from the phenomenon of heat waves, thanks to the company Farah HaSalva for the effective answer, I feel much better!".

Who is the audience that needs the Peace Blossom products - Rambam medicinal plants?

"Our customer community includes people from all sectors" replies Tslil Assolin, "We supply natural products to customers in Israel and abroad from the secular, national religious and ultra-Orthodox sectors, this is the reason, by the way, that our products are manufactured under very sophisticated supervision. 

People come back to us all the time to tell about positive changes and relief from various situations: help with ringing in the ears, weight loss, improvement in the appearance of the facial skin, help with attention and concentration problems, depression and anxiety, and more. The company team and I are happy with every new customer who uses our preparations and explain to him that we are only the messengers to provide him with all the goodness that nature offers."

In conclusion

Prichat Hashalva, a company managed by Tslil Assolin, an aromatherapist for 17 years, offers a wide variety of high-quality natural solutions, including Kishuvit, a preparation to help with attention and concentration problems. The products are manufactured in a factory licensed by the Ministry of Health and are sold in fancy kosher. They are in great demand among many who have tried and found that the products do help in the relief and healing of a variety of phenomena and problems.

Tslil Assolin promotes a healthy lifestyle and recommends to all its customers to combine physical activity and quality nutrition together with natural solutions to provide the body with a comprehensive and high-quality solution for a healthy and happy routine. 

In collaboration with Prichat Hashalva