Negev wines refreshing the summer

Talia Levin tastes and recommends three unique wines from the Negev region.

  (photo credit: PR)
(photo credit: PR)

While the north swelters and all eyes turn that way these days, the south is trying to recover. Even if tourism seems different there these days, especially not in this summer heat.

I don't know when the last time you visited the Negev was, but it's an area abundant with vineyards producing remarkably good wine, unexpectedly. By the way, wine has been made in this area for over 3000 years.

Yet, every time I hear about desert wineries, I still marvel. How can anything grow in these impossible temperatures?

Despite the challenges, temperature differences between day and night, and the short but significant winter chill, allow Negev vintners to produce an interesting grape yield.

In the southern part of the country, there are wonderful wineries I love like Yatir Winery, always stocked in my fridge, and the magnificent Nana Winery from Mitzpe Ramon, and Desert Winery which has enjoyable wines at reasonable prices.

This week's recommendation focuses on three wines from the Negev region, which you may not have heard of but are definitely worth knowing. Desert terroir, the most Israeli at the peak of summer, and the price? Not more than NIS 100.

  (credit: Merav Sarig)
(credit: Merav Sarig)

Pinto Winery, Blanc de Noirs 2023: I'm not an agriculturalist or an expert, but it's not the first time I've tasted Blanc de Noirs from the desert and thought it's simply the most wonderful variety to come from this climate.

Pinto's Blanc de Noirs comes from the Yeruham vineyard in the Negev Mountains, it's light, lemony, and very mineral. Sharp palates will appreciate its crispness. If you have to choose one wine this summer, this one is a winner.

Price: NIS 89.

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(credit: PR)

Negev Winery, Ariana Edition 2023: Idan Oz, a seasoned wine connoisseur who has been importing wines from around the world for the past two decades, recently established a unique wine bar in Kfar Saba, previously mentioned in this column, named Ariana.

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One of his recent collaborations was aimed at promoting southern produce. Oz is associated with Negev Winery, whose Exodus Gran Reserve 2018 wine recently scored 97 in Decanter magazine's international wine competition.

Together, they introduced the Ariana Edition series of two wines, all supporting the southern winery. I chose the Grei Pineau 2023, an exceptionally juicy wine that screams summer and needs nothing alongside it. At most, some ice.

Price: NIS 99.

  (credit: Liran Mimon)
(credit: Liran Mimon)
  (credit: Michael Raz)
(credit: Michael Raz)

Galai Winery, Casa Rosa 2021: I debated which bottle to choose. My inclination was towards the fantastic Blanc de Noir of the winery (Casa Bianca) or one of the reds. In the end, the cute Rosa Rosé caught my eye, which friends from Mitzpe Ramon brought with them last weekend.

A fruity and cheerful wine composed of 50% Merlot and 50% southern Marcellan. Chill it well.

Price: NIS 99.