Social design: The initiatives that shape our society

Using design to give back: shaping society through initiatives. Designing basic items for the community can make a positive impact in our environment.

 Skateboards, Isracard (photo credit: PUBLIC RELATIONS)
Skateboards, Isracard
(photo credit: PUBLIC RELATIONS)

There are many ways to contribute to the community and through the design of basic items in our environment, we can make the environment pleasant and do a little good for others and ourselves, also within working hours. Here are some ideas for inspiration:

As part of an activity to promote esg week that we mentioned at ICL, dozens of the company's employees mobilized to build seating areas from recycled materials for various associations. 

The teams invested a lot of effort in planning and designing the seating areas while taking into account the needs of the various bodies for which the areas were intended, such as the height of the bench, the quality and durability of the materials, the embedding of thinking games in the tables themselves, and more. All this, while emphasizing the importance of recycling and reusing the materials. The benches and tables built during that week reached clubs, associations and organizations in the south including "hot houses" and several community gardens in areas where ICL employees regularly volunteer.

 A seating area made of recycled materials, ICL   (credit: PUBLIC RELATIONS)
A seating area made of recycled materials, ICL (credit: PUBLIC RELATIONS)

Isracard employees held a volunteer activity in which they assembled and designed a variety of skateboards which they donated for use by the children of the Elem association. Among the designs they incorporated were from familiar characters such as the Simpsons and Batman to designs that are the fruit of the workers' imagination with a combination of messages of hope in the shadow of the war "Together we will win" and Star of David symbols.

  Skateboards, Isracard (credit: PUBLIC RELATIONS)
Skateboards, Isracard (credit: PUBLIC RELATIONS)

About three years ago, the operations division at Applied Materials initiated a volunteering project within the framework of which several activities are held every quarter during working hours in which the volunteers contribute to the community and at the same time get to know their teammates in a more relaxed atmosphere, outside the walls of the office.

The volunteering is carried out in collaboration with the One day association, with the focus being on renovating community centers and schools for underprivileged populations and youth at risk. Applied's teams build garden furniture, pergolas and benches, make plaster and paint, create floor and wall paintings, weed, weed, plant, renew and create a more pleasant space, a safe environment for learning, development and growth. As part of the program, 23 institutions have been renovated so far within the framework of about 2500 hours of volunteering.

 Renovation of community centers, Applied Materials  (credit: PUBLIC RELATIONS)
Renovation of community centers, Applied Materials (credit: PUBLIC RELATIONS)

The regulation department and the project development department of Enlight MENA chose to move their annual consolidation activity to the impact workshop of the MOLET project - a project that combines design and sustainability in which wooden loading surfaces are reused for the purpose of building furniture. As part of the workshop, Enlight employees created benches for Zola corners, which were donated to the communities of evacuees from the Otef.

Reuse of loading surfaces, Enlight (credit: PR)
Reuse of loading surfaces, Enlight (credit: PR)