Purim Shpiel: The following is a satirical article from The Jerusalem Post's annual parodic Purim page, The Jerusalem Roast. Enjoy!
Israelis rallied in record numbers to volunteer in support of survivors of the Hamas atrocities and the soldiers battling terror.
Some people are natural leaders and step up. Others don't. I'm of the latter.
British occupational therapist Samantha Cox volunteers at an Israeli rehab center, inspired by her grandfather’s heroism in liberating a Nazi camp and supporting Jewish survival in Mandate Palestine.
I could hardly keep myself from jumping up and down when an IDF spokesperson named Shira offered to try to find some units that could use my unique talents.
Halevi had been volunteering with ZAKA for more than 20 years in various units and served as the deputy of Eran Kozachi in managing Camp Shura.
Hebrew Scouts Movement leadership spoke about how the young boys and girls of the movement took action following the October 7 massacre.
ABOVE THE FOLD: That spirit of volunteerism should be a model not just for Jews the world over, but for the whole world.
Jews in the Diaspora need to take inspiration from the courage, initiative, and solidarity of Israelis.
Mastercard's "Volunteering Family" initiative will allow families to plan a full day of doing good while simultaneously supporting local businesses in the restaurant and food industry through Ontopo.