Smuggling of five tons of tomatoes from Gaza to Israel thwarted

The Ministry of Agriculture prevented 5 tons of tomatoes grown in Gaza from being smuggled into Israeli territory, the ministry reported. 

The tomatoes were apparently intended to be distributed in markets and supermarkets in Israel's northern region.

  Attempt to smuggle 5 tons of tomatoes into Israeli territory. (credit: MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT)
Attempt to smuggle 5 tons of tomatoes into Israeli territory. (credit: MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT)

The smuggling was thwarted at the Gilboa checkpoint, a passage of agricultural produce from the West Bank, thanks to early intelligence information that reached the ministry's inspectors.

During a thorough inspection of the truck by a unit inspector, among other items from the West Bank, seven hidden surfaces of tomatoes were discovered inside cartons with the caption "Made in Gaza", revealing their true origin. 

Given the danger to public health, all tomatoes were seized. They were destroyed, and legal action was taken against the truck driver.