Hilltop youth involved in Ahuvia Sandak death could be indicted

The State Attorney's Office is leaning to indict the hilltop youth involved in the alleged attacking of Palestinians and resisting arrest prior to the death of Ahuvia Sandak, subject to a pre-indictment hearing, it announced on Thursday.

The youth, who were inside the car along with Sandak, allegedly threw rocks at Palestinian vehicles before fleeing from police. The car chase that ensued resulted in Sandak's death. It is unknown whether police accidentally collided with the car or purposely tried to force it to stop.

In his last week as attorney-general, Avichai Mandelblit closed the probe into the police officers involved, claiming the evidence was not clear-cut on which narrative was true, but it was clear that Sandak and his fellow activists were dangerously breaking the law by fleeing arrest in a high-speed chase.