Chairman of Religious Zionism Smutrich revealed that his nephew was arrested in Chumash

The chairman of Religious Zionism revealed at a press conference that one of the students arrested in Chumesh was his nephew.

 Head of the Religious Zionist Party MK Bezalel Smotrich  gives a press statement at the Knesset, the Israeli parliament in Jerusalem, on May 26, 2021.  (photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)
Head of the Religious Zionist Party MK Bezalel Smotrich gives a press statement at the Knesset, the Israeli parliament in Jerusalem, on May 26, 2021.
(photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)

During the night, a great commotion developed in the Knesset plenum after learning of the arrests of 8 men on charges of assaulting IDF soldiers and Palestinians a month ago, two of the arrested were injured in a terrorist attack in Homesh two months ago.

The chairman of Religious Zionism, MK Bezalel Smotrich, and Knesset members Orit Struck and Simcha Rotman burst out at Ministers Yair Lapid and Benny Gantz, shouting  "shame" at them while sitting in the plenum, on the grounds that police forces broke into houses with children at night to make the arrests.

The chairman of Religious Zionism revealed at a press conference that one of the students arrested was his nephew Yehuda, who was sitting in a car next to Yehuda Dimentman who was killed in a terrorist attack: "Turning a victim into a defendant." MK Stroke's groom was also arrested

At a press conference on Wednesday Smotrich said Knesset members Simcha Rotman and Orit Struck from his party were removed from the "horseshoe," the area behind the plenum, and said that Miki Levi was "trampling the Knesset."

"Mickey Levy makes the Knesset ushers miserable and turns them into a private militia to silence his opponents from the opposition," Smotrich said. "It was the same this morning when Levy kept MKs away from the "horseshoe" to avoid embarrassment for MK Nir Orbach."

The incident almost turned into a physical confrontation between Knesset members, and during the confrontation, a security guard even got injured and fell while trying to get Rothman out of the way. The injured security guard fell to the floor and lingered on it for several minutes.

"Senior government officials have been marking settlers as enemies of the people for months, with the aim of producing demoralization and preparing for events such as the serious incident in the morning, during which six students were arrested from a yeshiva," the religious Zionist chairman added. 

"I learned that one of the detainees is my nephew, Yehuda Smotrich," he said. "He was next to Yehuda Dimentman, who was killed in a terrorist attack. Last night, Yehuda and his friends at the yeshiva celebrated the miracle of thanksgiving. A few hours later, Yehuda was pulled out of bed and arrested in a false arrest intended to abuse the Chumash settlers."