Israel's deep state poses a serious threat to Israel’s unity, democracy, and ability to confront existential enemies, the author writes.
The legal opinion came hours before the government was set to vote in its weekly meeting on a measure that would end the employment of the legal advisers within 90 days.
The snap elections might create a new political crisis, however, since recent polls show the Conservatives will not have a partner to form a right-wing government.
How can Khamenei's "shadow empire" deteriorate?
The survey attempted to evaluate the political map following Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's firing of Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.
Swing districts in NY favor pro-Israel candidates as Lawler, Ryan win races.
Presidents, prime ministers, and other key diplomatic leaders from across the globe have extended congratulatory remarks to Trump.
In 1828, during his presidential campaign, Democratic leader Andrew Jackson's opponents referred to him as a 'jackass,' which he later embraced to symbolize steadfastness and determination.
Qatar votes on a referendum to cancel elections, ending Shura Council voting rights.
As we all know, the simple truth is that reality is neither black nor white.