Doctor convicted for negligent care of pregnant women, death of baby

A doctor specializing in obstetrics and gynecology was convicted of negligent medical treatment of pregnant women, illegal termination of pregnancy, and obstruction charges by the Petah Tikvah District Court on Monday. 

Dr. Ilan Halevi had been accused of negligent care of two women at his facility. During one birth, a mother's uterus was ruptured and instead of providing her with an infusion of fluids and a swift medical escort to the hospital, was sent on her way with her family. At the hospital, an emergency procedure saved her life.

Just a few days later a newborn baby girl died after Halevi downplayed her condition and sent them on their way to the hospital without accompaniment. Halevi reportedly tried to hide his involvement in the births. 

The defense argued that the state was infringing on a women's bodily autonomy and ability to give birth the way in which they chose, but the court said that the doctor had not behaved as someone who had the best interest of his patients with risky births and women whom it was not recommended to give birth outside of hospitals.