Police evacuate Barcelona train station after reports of 'suspicious object'

Police have ordered the evacuation of Barcelona's central Plaça Catalunya train and metro station after reports of a "suspicious object" found there, they said on Tuesday, one day after the same station was evacuated due to a false bomb threat.

A Catalan police spokesperson told Reuters a security guard had detected a ticking noise in a waste bin and saw protruding cables, prompting the station's closing and the deployment of a bomb disposal squad and canine unit.

"We are working at Plaça Catalunya metro station in response to a report of a suspicious object. Our specialists are carrying out checks to ensure the security of the place," police said separately on Twitter.

On Monday, police shut down the same station at around 5 p.m. local time (1500 GMT) after they were alerted that an inbound train allegedly carried a bomb. Once officers combed through the train, they concluded the threat was not real and allowed services to resume.