Two indicted for extorting builders of IDF base road

Two men were indicted for threatening and extorting contractors building an access road to an IDF intelligence base, the Southern District Attorney's Office announced on Monday.

Jaber Abu-Kaf, 31, and Ziad Abu Kaf, 21, allegedly threatened workers and site foremen building an interchange to connect Route 60 to the Kiyat HaModi'in military base. According to the indictment, about two weeks ago the men approached the foremen demanding that they be given a job as the security guard, but was told that there was already security at the site.

The two threatened that they would stop the work at the site and badgered about equipment at the site, claiming that it was their land and that they should be given guard duties. A foreman halted work for one day, and told the project manager that he would not continue until a settlement was reached.