COVID: Israeli surrogate families trapped in Georgia to return home

Justice Minister Gideon Sa'ar and his Georgian counterpart Rati Bregadze have announced Sunday morning an agreement has been reached over the nine Israeli families trapped in Georgia for several months, after flying there to bring home babies born via surrogates.
The agreement was announced following phone talks held between the two ministers on Saturday evening. Over the last two weeks, Sa'ar has been in touch with both Bregadze and Georgian Ambassadorto Israel Lasha Zhvania to bring the Israelis home.
The Israeli families were not allowed to leave Georgia due to COVID-19 regulations in Georgia, and have been stuck there for several months. It has now been announced they will be allowed to return to Israel along with their babies.
"I Thank you on behalf of the Israeli government and the families for working tirelessly to find a solution," Justice Minister Sa'ar addressed Bregadze.
"From the moment I reached out to you, you acted swiftly to solve this issue. This is further evidence of the strong friendship between Israel and Georgia," added Sa'ar.