Harvey Weinstein's rape trial postponed to September

 LOS ANGELES ( - Harvey Weinstein's rape trial has been postponed to Sept. 9, a judge ruled on Friday.
The disgraced producer had been set to go on trial on June 3, but Justice James Burke agreed to give the defense additional time to prepare.
Weinstein is accused of five counts of rape and sexual assault, involving two victims, and could face life in prison if convicted. Earlier Friday, Burke ordered the courtroom closed for an argument on a prosecution motion to allow additional women to testify in the case.
Robert Balin, an attorney representing more than a dozen media outlets, protested that the hearing should be open to the public, and vowed to appeal Burke's ruling.
The media was allowed back into the courtroom on Friday afternoon for a discussion of scheduling matters. The prosecution expects its portion of the case to take about three weeks, while defense attorney Jose Baez estimated he would need one week to put on a defense. Jury selection is expected to take about two weeks.
Weinstein was originally supposed to go on trial in May, but he fired his lead attorney, Ben Brafman, in January, causing a delay.