'Israel doesn't oppose Palestinian plan at UN'

Israel does not object to the United Nations passing a resolution calling for the establishment of a Palestinian State, providing that such a resolution includes provisions for Israel's right to live in security, President Shimon Peres told Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations Asha-Rose Migiro on Sunday.
Migiro, who is in Israel primarily to attend the Jubilee Biennial Women's Leadership conference co-hosted by the Golda Meir Mount Carmel International Training Center and UNESCO, also took the opportunity to meet with several Israeli dignitaries to discuss the possibility of the resumption of peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. The theme of the conference that she is attending is Science, Technology and Innovation: Education and Training for Women and Girls.
In emphasizing the need for the UN resolution to include a guarantee for Israel's right to live in security, Peres clarified that security means stopping terror, as well as halting the smuggling of arms. If the resolution deals only with the security of Israel, he said, the Palestinians won't be satisfied, and if it relates only to a Palestinian State, the Israelis won't be satisfied. Therefore, he said, the resolution must contain the two components.