Kinneret Cities Council: Swimming was approved before life guards

The Kinneret Cities Council (KCC) criticized the government decision to allow some marine sports in public beaches before ensuring lifeguards will be able to return to work, a press release reported on Tuesday.  
The Director of KCC Idan Greenbaum appealed to Interior Minister Aryeh Deri with an urgent letter, asking him to approve the resumption of lifeguarding services on the beaches of the Sea of Galilee.  
Slamming the government, Greenbaum pointed out that the KCC is expected to keep the beaches locked, remove members of the public who wish to swim, but allow people who claim to engage in marine sports such as surfing or canoeing access to the water – without life savers operating.  
“How, and who, is meant to inspect people to make sure they really are athletes or not?” he asked.  
Greenbaum suggested that beaches will be allowed to slowly return to normal operation, but only when life savers are allowed back to work.