Lapid ultimatum to Gantz: Back dispersing Knesset next week

Leader of the Opposition, Yair Lapid, announced that next week the opposition will propose dispersing the Knesset.
On December 2nd, next Wednesday, we will propose a bill to disperse the Knesset. We won't withdraw it at the last moment, we won't negotiate over it, the bill will come to a vote. It is time for elections
Netanyahu wants elections in June, so he's playing for time. There is no reason to let him go to elections at the time that's convenient for him. The national interest is to go to elections quickly, to create a new government that will deal with COVID-19 and the economy
On the 2nd December, next Wednesday, we will propose a bill to disperse the Knesset. We won't withdraw it at the last moment, we won't negotiate over it, the bill will come to a vote. It is time for elections. Nothing good will come of this government. It is a group of politicians focused only on themselves, on their own jobs, on their petty arguments. They're not working for the people of Israel, they're only working for themselves.
We have reached an all-time high of bankruptcy cases. We have an all-time high of businesses closing, over 80,000 this year. We have a cumulative deficit of 137 billion shekels and over half a million unemployed.
The Prime Minister keeps saying the situation is excellent. What planet is he on? There are streets with nothing but shuttered shops. Some of our children haven't been to school since March. There's no budget. There's no vision.
Israeli society is more divided than ever. At the peak of a health and economic crisis, we have a government that isn't functioning. It is corrupt, it is broken and it can't govern. They spend all day fighting, insulting one another, arranging jobs for their associates. It is the most embarrassing type of politics and it is exactly what we've come to change.
We need a new government, 18 ministers, good honest people who have come to work. We need a government the public can believe in, that the public can trust. A government that will restore faith in our national leadership, a government that will drag us out of the mud.
Netanyahu wants elections in June, so he's playing for time. There is no reason to let him go to elections at the time that's convenient for him. The national interest is to go to elections quickly, to create a new government that will deal with the coronavirus and with the economy.
To all the parties in the Knesset - this is your moment of truth. December 2nd, next Wednesday. If Israel is important to you, we’ll put an end to the worst government in the history of this country, we’ll put an end to Netanyahu's time in office.