Liberman slams Netanyahu for inadequate response towards rocket attack
Former defense minister Avigdor Liberman criticized Israel for its relaxed response to the rocket early Monday morning in Ashkelon."This morning we again heard the cabinet members threatening Hamas in the Gaza Strip." Liberman wrote. "The problem is that the terror leaders, at best, laugh at Israel's threats."In return for rockets, Israel gave Hamas, "They received in return: $ 30 million in cash that the Israeli government has transferred to Hamas so far, and the hand is still on the rise, increase the fishing area to 12 miles, increase the power supply from 4 to 12 hours a day and immunity to terror leaders, who continue to walk freely in the Gaza Strip and call for the murder of Jews," Liberman continued. "This is a complete bankruptcy of the government. Our hearts with the residents of the South! "
Four airstrikes target Saada, Yemen - report