State medal recognizes Iron Dome

The Israel Coins and Medals Corporation issued a state medal in honor of the Iron Dome rocket-defense system on Sunday, and part of the proceeds from sales will go toward rebuilding Israeli cities damaged by rocket fire from Gaza.
Designed by Igal Gabay, the front surface depicts three Iron Dome interceptors above a city skyline, along with the verse “I will shield this city to save it” from Isaiah 37:35. On the reverse is a picture of the Iron Dome emblem and the Iron Dome itself, accompanied by the inscription “Iron Dome 2012” in Hebrew and English.
The medal has been struck in two forms: 925 sterling silver, with a diameter of 38.8mm, weight of 28.8 grams and issue limit of 3,600, priced at NIS 560; and bronze, with a diameter of 50mm, weight of 49 grams, and issue limit of 18,000, priced at NIS 250. For a limited time, ICMC Subscribers will benefit from pre-issue prices of NIS 349 and NIS 119, respectively.
Avi Katz, ICMC CEO said, “Iron Dome is an outstanding technological achievement unparalleled anywhere else in the world, worthy of commemoration on a state medal. The medal is a tribute to the initiators of the project together with those who have participated in its development and operation.”