Thai police lead key suspects to Bangkok bomb site for re-enactment

BANGKOK - Police in Thailand led two suspects to the scene of last month's Bangkok bomb blast for a re-enactment of their alleged crimes on Saturday, a day after police said one of the men was responsible for planting the bomb that killed 20 people.
Fourteen foreigners were among those killed in the attack, the worst incident of its kind in Thai history. It dealt a fresh blow to Thailand's important tourism industry, which had just begun to recover after political protests last year.
Police escorted the two men to the shrine and a nearby shopping mall in the Thai capital.
The men, handcuffed and wearing body armor, walked through the re-enactment, a standard Thai police procedure, while bystanders were kept at a distance.
National police spokesman Prawut Thawornsiri said on Friday one of the two men was the same yellow-shirted man seen in security footage placing a backpack at the shrine moments before the blast.
Prawut told reporters at the shrine on Saturday that the first arrested suspect, who has been referred to both as Bilal Mohammed and Adem Karadag, the name on a Turkish passport he holds, was responsible for the bombing.
"We have now identified him as the one who killed 20 people and injured many others," said Prawut.