'Tomorrow must pass quietly' warns MK Glick before Friday prayers

During a Channel 2 television interview with MK Zouheir Bahloul (Zionist Union) on Thursday, MK Yehuda Glick (Likud) warned that "tomorrow must pass quietly." 
Glick, a longtime activist for equal rights for Jews on Temple Mount, emphasized that due to the highly sensitive nature of the Temple Mount, which is sacred for both Muslims and Jews, that it is vital that the upcoming Friday prayers will pass without further violence.
Bahloul said that "there are still twelve hours [at the time he spoke] in which the Netanyahu-led government can act to reduce the tensions."
The IDF will provide five battalions to aid the police during the upcoming day if needed. Thousands of police officers will be present in the capital to contain any sort of confrontation.
Following a terrorist attack on police officers at Temple Mount, Israeli security forces placed metal detectors and security cameras at the Temple Mount. This has led to on-going protests by Muslims who point to the new measures as changes in the status quo.